New install flow
Plan resources for a specific period
When a resource is planned for an activity the planned hours were divided over the period of the calculated activity. When this periode starts in the past, it resulted in planned hours in a past period. This is solved by a introducing a dedicated period which can be assigned when planning resources. This period is used to divide the planned hours.
Planned period |
Plan resources using day patterns
Want to plan a resource on specific days of the week over a period? Tis is possible with a brand new feature! For each created planned period, the days can be selected. The hours are planned over the selected days.
Day pattern |
Drilldown in Planning Projects
A nice improvement in Planning Projects: Tapping on a deliverable, shows the activities and the planned resources. This gives a complete view and more detailed view on the planning of projects.
Show planned resources |
Change planned hours in Planning Resources
Tap on a cell in 'Planning Resources', to change the planned hours of the resource for that week. Now you can change the planning without navigating to the project. This makes it a lot easier to plan your resources!
Change planned hours |
Holidays and availablity
To have a correct insight in the availability of resources, its necessary to anticipate on holidays. Now its possible to activate holidays per company or department. This is possible with back office function '
Holidays'. By selecting a country, the holidays of that country are imported and you can select the holidays which are a day off so this affects the availability and planning of resources.
Select holidays |
Improved chart 'Billable hours KPIs'
Interested in future billablity of your planned resources? Toggle chart 'Billable hours KPIs' to 'Planned' so it shows the billable hours based on planned hours. Also its possible to show these figures in hours, percentages and money.