Saturday, November 2, 2019

Improved navigation

Just released: some new improvements in the interface of VOGSY!

These changes should make navigation in VOGSY more obvious. We've learned from practice that the 'My-menu' (which contains options like 'My Timesheets', 'My Planning' and 'My Expenses') is not found easily.

Therefore the options of 'My Menu' are moved to the main menu of VOGSY.
To keep the main menu nice and compact, the options 'Snooze' and 'Done' are added to a sub-menu. The same goes for 'Planning Projects' and 'Planning Resources':

Improved 'Main menu'

Last but not least, the navigation to the back office has moved to the top-right header of VOGSY. Of course, this option is only available for users who have access to the back office.

Option 'Back office' has moved