Thursday, November 23, 2017

Let’s communicate in VOGSY!

Good communication is essential to successfully convert opportunities into projects, and execute these projects with good results. Therefore we strive for maximum engagement of users so all communication is done thru one channel and in the right context. That way, the information shared in conversations becomes incredibly valuable!

Some big improvements are released to make communicating in VOGSY better, easier and more transparent.

@mention people

Get someone's attention by mentioning them in your post. They will get a notification on the feed which tells them that they are mentioned in your post. This is also useful when you want to share a post with someone which is not a follower. The mentioned persons automatically become followers of the conversation and are updated of all new posts in that conversation.

@mention people

See all conversations in one view

When tapping on a feed-notification or selecting a record from the search suggest, the card is opened and all conversations are shown on the right or underneath the card (depending on screen space).

Post directly from your home screen

If you want to create a post which is not directly related to a project, organisation or opportunity you can easily do this from your home-screen with option ‘Share an update’. This is a quick way to create a message en sent it to one or more people by @-mentioning them.

Create post from home screen

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

What's new?

Adjusting and submitting timesheets of other employees

It can be a struggle to get time entries submitted in time when colleagues are not able to submit them because they are sick or on vacation. To make sure the process of submitting time entries never comes to a hold, a new feature is released which enables staff employees to adjust and submit time entries of other employees.

To access the timesheets of other employees, the person card has a new item in the dropdown menu. Tapping on ‘Timesheets’ opens the timesheets of that person and makes it possible to adjust and submit time entries.

Access timesheets of others

Alternative flow for approval draft invoices

From feedback we’ve learned that for some companies the support staff takes care of the approval of draft invoices in stead of project managers. Since both flows are common practices, a new switch is introduced which selects the desired approval flow. This switch can be found in back office function ‘Project invoicing settings’.
When option 'Support staff' is selected, draft invoices can be approved in back office function ‘Draft invoices’, which is described in the next paragraph.

Adjust draft invoices

More hours realized than you want to be invoiced? No need to reject the invoice and correct the hours in the time sheets, because with the new back office functionality ‘Draft invoices’ it is possible to change the number of hours on draft invoices. When hours are changed, a new draft invoice will be generated automatically and put on the feed of the project manager for approval. Only the invoiced hours are changed, realized hours will be untouched.

Note: when the approval of draft invoices is done by staff employees (see previous paragraph), draft invoices can be approved in this function by action ‘Approve’. 

Multiple receivers for project invoices

Draft invoices are sent to the email address which is specified for the customer. Now it’s possible to specify multiple email addresses. Just tap on the ‘plus-icon’ next to the field to add more.

Add email addresses for invoices

Set the level of detail of invoices

Some customers wants to see a detailed specification on the invoice of all time entries. Others only want a specification per activity and employee.
Now it’s possible to set-up the desired level of detail per customer so each customer can get the desired level of detail on his invoices. Off course this setting applies only for invoicing time and material projects. 

Set the level of detail of invoices

Text invoice

When generating draft invoices with function 'Create draft invoices' you can specify a text which wil be displayed on each created invoice. This text can be used if you want to let your customers know which period the invoice concerns.

Invoice discount

A new feature enables you to give an invoice discount in percentages. Just tap on option ‘Add discount’ in the project form and specify the percentage and description which will be displayed on the invoice.

Limitation of spend hours on projects

VOGSY lets you know if budgets are exceeded by a notification on the feed. Now it’s possible to prevent exceeding these budgets by a simple switch, which makes it impossible to log time if all allocated hours are spend. This limitation can be activated per deliverable by checking field ‘Limit time entries to allocated hours’.

Limitation of spend hours

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Improved look and feel

Optimized for larger screens

"Why isn't VOGSY using more screen space when I use it on a larger screen?"

We listened to your feedback and improved the UI so it makes optimal use of the available space on your screen.
The feed has a dynamic grid which shows multiple columns when there is enough space.

On laptop

On mobile phone
Tip: To use maximum screen space, you can hide the menu on the left side!

New search

The search is improved and matches the UI-patterns of Google. This makes searching organisations, projects or opportunities much more easy!

Search on mobile
On a larger screen, the search field is always displayed in the header of the screen. When the search field is tapped, you can start searching by typing a keyword. By default the results contain all entities (persons, organisations, opportunities and projects), but if you're looking for an organisation, you can tap on the tile 'Organisations' and search only in organisations.
Please note that the keywords are saved and can be used again by tapping on them in section 'Recent'!
Search on laptop

Looking for a list of all your organisations or projects? Just tap on a tile without searching and you'll see the complete list. 

On the right side of the screen you can filter search results.

Filter and sort search results

Monday, October 2, 2017

What's new?

Information added to 'Planning projects'

Make planning of your projects more easy by adding project information which gives you instant insight in the progress of projects and shows if the planning is on track. Also you can see the actual hours and the completion. With this information you'll get the right context to plan projects.

Information can be added to the view by tapping on the settings wheel and select the desired columns:
Add columns

Improvements 'Planning Resources'

Three major improves will make planning of resources a lot easier and more efficient.

1. View totals in 'Planning Resources'

To get an actual view of the overall availability of resources visualized in time, it's possible to see the totals of working hours, planned hours and available hours. These totals can be turned on and off with the settings wheel.

View totals

2. See if resources are on track

Are hours spent as planned? The answer on this question is an important indication of the probability that the project wil be finished in time. Now it's possible to get insight in the actual hours vs planned hours by adding these columns to the view of 'Planning Resources'.

Added columns

3. Planning Resources: Change planned hours

No need to navigate to the project to change the planning. Just tap on a cell to change the planned hours.

Change planned hours

Project planning

The visualization of the project planning when accessed from the project card is improved. The biggest issue was the poor navigation and visualization. This is solved by starting function 'Planning projects', filtered by the project from which the planning is accessed. To get a complete view, deliverables are automatically collapsed.

Project planning started from project card

My planning

Just like the project planning (as described above), the visualization and navigation of 'My planning' caused friction because its poor UI. This is solved by starting 'Planning Resources' filtered by the current employee which makes navigating thru time and changing planned hours (by tapping on cells) much easier.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

What's new?

New install flow

The install flow had a complete make-over! In a simplified and more transparant flow, the user is asked to give information about himself and his company.


Company info


Another improvement is the possibility to install VOGSY without admin consent. This means that everyone with a business account, can install VOGSY! 

Plan resources for a specific period

When a resource is planned for an activity the planned hours were divided over the period of the calculated activity. When this periode starts in the past, it resulted in planned hours in a past period. This is solved by a introducing a dedicated period which can be assigned when planning resources. This period is used to divide the planned hours.

Planned period

Plan resources using day patterns 

Want to plan a resource on specific days of the week over a period? Tis is possible with a brand new feature! For each created planned period, the days can be selected. The hours are planned over the selected days.

Day pattern

Drilldown in Planning Projects

A nice improvement in Planning Projects: Tapping on a deliverable, shows the activities and the planned resources. This gives a complete view and more detailed view on the planning of projects.